Monday, December 12, 2011

The Future...

Hopefully by promoting education about Important Bird Areas (IBA) people will realize the importance of these valuable areas, especially the grasslands of the Great Plains region. It could be  difficult battle because of U.S. government policies promoting bio fuels which encourages intensive corn crops. As more grasslands are converted for agriculture a sharp decrease in certain species of birds will occur. The IBA word needs to be spread. Write to the senators!

Raise Awareness for Important Bird Areas (IBA)

The Important Bird Areas Program (IBA) is a global effort to identify and conserve areas that are vital to birds by working with Audubon chapters, landowners, public agencies, community groups, and other non-profits. I have been concentrating on the Great Plains Region. I started a letter writing campaign with a local Girl Scout Troop...we are writing to Senator Kent Conrad and Senator John Hoeven both from North Dakota. We are asking the senators for their support in changing laws and policies that would benefit the birds of concern at IBA's and also lobby for land acquisition funds for an IBA where land acquisition is underway. You can write these Senators with your concerns. The loss of grasslands in any region affects birds all over the U.S.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Biofuel Promotion=Grassland Decline

Fargo ND has had a steady population growth over the last decade. The state's total population grew 4.7% from 2000 to 2010...below the national average...but good for a region that has suffered from depopulation of the Great Plains.
There has been an oil boom in ND western region and 90% of the state's area is used for farms and ranches. One of the most prevalent types of agriculture is corn ethanol plants. But studies have shown that local economic impacts of corn-based ethanol facilities are small. Unfortunately the promotion of the corn ethanol plants adds to the decline of the precious grasslands in ND. This grassland decline could lead to a decrease of up to 52% of Sedge Wrens, Grasshopper Sparrows, Western Meadowlark, and others that use the grasslands for nesting and stopovers.